Radio Frequency treatment that reduces pain and inflammation
Radio Frequency therapy assists with pain reduction and accelerates recovery.
Radio Frequency Therapy or RF Therapy is a state of the art treatment developed by Indiba®, a medical device company based out of Barcelona, Spain.
Scientific testing, research and multiple clinical trials have determined RF Therapy can stimulate tissue repair and proliferation of stem cells. Combined with other manual therapies, RF Therapy can enhance treatment and help speed recovery. Davis PTSR is one of only 15 clinics in the country to have and use Indiba® Radio Frequency Therapy.
Indiba® RF Therapy stimulates tissues using 448KHz. Research supports healing in both acute and chronic injuries at this frequency. There are nearly 200 published scientific studies as well as PhD theses that back the results.
Each treatment will start with either an active warm up or use of a Capacitive electrode to prepare/warm up the treatment area/body part. The Capacitive electrode stores energy creating a positive heating effect of the subcutaneous tissue. This heating effect reduces the internal resistance of the tissues and increases the effectiveness of the Resistive Phase of treatment.
Time of Treatment
RF Therapy treatment will take 8-20 minutes depending on your individual plan of care. An example of a treatment session may look like the following. 5-10 minutes of active warm up or warm up with Capacitive electrode. Then, 8-10 minutes of treatment using the Resistive electrode.
Effects of Treatment ​
Subthermal effects increase metabolic activity and proliferation of stem cells
Thermal effects on tissues include biostimulation, vascularization and hyperactivation
Physiological effects can directly influence pain levels